yify Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker 2019 Watch Full Movie Online

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J.J. Abrams

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Hey bro this guy is the mvp he can sit here and cry in front of all of us youre a legend bro respect. Luke: Whats for dinner tonight, Dad? Anakin: Wookiee steak. Luke: Is it any good? Anakin: Its a little chewy. The end of the saga Oh thank god. Star wars:the saga will end Disney+ hello there. That laugh at the end made by ghost of Palpatine. He's bound with debris of The Death Star and will troll Rey and, after all he'll helps her defeat Kylo.

I feel like the last video on this channel will include Sam saying “three out of three of these questions will be answered”. This can only really end with a black hole. Like/Dislike bar is disabled. You'll know it going to be a bad movie. I thought TFA was a bit boring and uninspired. A copy of one of the older movies but with better special effects. Then TLJ came along and even though it had a ton of flaws, I appreciated that they tried something new with star wars. Big respect for Rian Jonson for having the balls to go in a new direction.
I think with TROS, disney listened to the angry fans and instead of taking any risks, they just used a template for their last movie in the trilogy.
This movie is as bland as it gets. It's a cookie cutter, nothing surprised me.
Even the humor was toned way down. None of the jokes landed. Halfway, I kind of lost interest in the story.
There were a few scenes that were stupid as hell. No idea how they decided to keep those in the final product. br> Some things I found odd:

  • Riding horses on top of a spaceship? meh, reminds me of the rhinos from avengers.
  • Everyone could easily heal using the force.
  • Rey could float using the force but still struggles to climb to tall places.
  • How Palpatine surivived was never explained
  • Rey being a Palpatine felt forced after seeing TLJ.
  • The way Palpatine dies was stupid
  • All the cruisers started falling out of the air after Palpatine died. So cliche
  • The protagonists finding the dagger in the most convenient way
  • The cruisers were sitting under the crust of the planet. WHAT?

Anyway, there are many many many more problems.

The special effects were ok, however I felt like they could have done a bit more on that front. TLJ had way way better visuals and sound.

The actors did a great job with what they had to work with. It's a shame that the story is completely dull.

No one's ever truelly gone Except for the fans, if Solo, the merch and the profits are any indication. Didn't know the dark side of the force included a powerful sound system. They must have some great parties. Very weird theory but the shot where their was an explosion in space, I think it might be a death star. You can see a curve on the bottom left that looks like the bottom of the death star.




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